Using and Storing Variables

DBM Tutorial - Obtaining Parameters

There are a few ways to store and reuse information in DBM.

  • Temp variable - exists only for the duration of the command. Once the command action list is over the variable is 'forgotten' by the bot
  • Server variable - exists for a single server. The bot will 'remember' these variable between commands but only for the server they were created in.
  • Global variable - exists for the bot regardless of server or command.

Store Command Parameters

You can store parameters entered into a command using the "Store command parameters" action. This will assume your parameters are using the default space (\s+) as a seperator.

  • Parameter Number:
    • This tells the bot which word to start on. Using 1 would mean "the first word after the command"; 2 would mean "the second word after the command" and so on.
    • DBM defines a "word" as a complete string of characters between your parameter seperator
      • ex: If your seperator is a space, a "world" would be anything between spaces - this is four words
      • ex: if your seperator is a comma, a "word" would be anything between commas - this is, two things
  • Source Info:

    • One Parameter - creates a parameter using a single word, beginning at the # given in the "parameter number" field.
      • ex: !prune 50 100 - using "One Parameter" and "1" your parameter would be 50
      • ex: !prune 50 100 - using "One Parameter" and "2" your parameter would return 100
    • Multiple Parameters - creates a parameter using multiple words, beginning from the number you specify in "Parameter Number" and going to the end of the command input
      • ex: ! ban @Silversunset You are breaking the rules - using "Multiple Parameters" and "2" your parameter would be You are breaking the rules
      • ex: ! ban @Silversunset You are breaking the rules - using "Multiple Parameters" and "3" your parameter would be are breaking the rules
    • Mentioned Member - stores the @username from a command as a parameter
    • Mentioned Role - stores the @role from a command as a parameter
    • Mentioned Channel - stores the #channel from a command as a parameter

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